Access是一种桌面数据库,只适合数据量少的应用,在处理少量数据和单机访问的数据库时是很好的,效率也很高。但是它的同时访问客户端不能多于4个。access数据库有一定的极限,如果数据达到100M左右,很容易造成服务器iis假死,或者消耗掉服务器的内存导致服务器崩溃。ado 原文地址
Using ADO with IIS to connect to an Informix Database
Informix CLI Driver
Microsoft Internet Information Server
ActiveX Data Objects
Installing Informix CLI Driver
Windows NT 4.0
Installing IIS / ADO
Windows NT 4.0
Specifications for Informix ODBC Drivers
Using Informix CLI driver with IIS/ADO
Detailed Steps for Windows NT Samples
Useful Links
1. Introduction
IIS and ADO are part of Microsofts Universal Data Access strategy. ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) enables users to write an application to access and manipulate data in a database server through an OLE DB provider. ADO's primary benefits are ease of use, high speed, low memory overhead, and compactness. ADO supports key features for building client/server and web-based applications.
Goals for this integration note were:
To understand the working of ADO and IIS.
To investigate the working Informix CLI driver with ADO with IIS.
To investigate the working Informix CLI driver with ADO with Visual Basic.
Informix CLI Driver
We used Informix CLI Driver 2.8. This driver is contained in the Informix Client SDK 2.03.
Microsoft Internet Information Server
Microsoft Internet Information Server is a Web server that enables users to publish information on a corporate intranet or on the Internet. The IIS supports HTTP, FTP and gopher services. IIS 4.0 is included in Microsoft NT Server 4.0 suite.
Click here for more information on IIS.
ActiveX Data Objects
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) is included with Internet Information Server 4.0. ADO is an ODBC standard-compliant set of interfaces that expose the database functionality in databases through accessible objects. Many shortcuts speed up common scripting operations. ADO can be used with any language, such as JavaScript, VB Script, and Perl.
Because ADO works with OLE-DB providers, it can access a variety of data sources. Data sources include both traditional relational database management systems and non-database sources such as file systems, directories, spreadsheets, and full-text indexes. ADO can be easily optimized for different databases. Because ADO is used with Active Server. Pages--the dynamic content and server-side scripting environment for IIS--developers can write conditional scripts that execute different SQL commands based upon the ODBC driver being used.
Applications can be customized for different customers without having to change the code.
Click here for more information on ADO.
2.0 Installing Informix CLI Driver
Windows NT 4.0
Informix Client SDK 2.03 needs to be installed to use ADO with IIS to access Informix data. The Informix CLI Driver 2.8 comes with the Development Kit. Download Informix Client SDK 2.03.
3.0 Installing IIS/ADO
In order to install IIS/ADO, the following software is needed on your system:
ODBC 3.0
NT Server 4.0
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher
Visual Basic 5.0 or higher
All these products can be obtained from Microsoft Corp. For details refer to the Microsoft site.
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) is included with Internet Information Server 4.0. You may need to install ADO 2.0.
The IIS site provides additional information on administration and maintenance of IIS and its components.
4. Specifications for Informix ODBC Drivers
Informix CLI Driver
See for a techbrief on Informix CLI drivers.
Note that the current version of Informix CLI driver 2.8 only supports ODBC specifications through version 2.5.Unlike Merant drivers, Informix CLI drivers support BLOB/CLOB functionality.
Merant Data Direct ODBC Driver for Informix
Click here for information on Merant ODBC drivers for Informix.
5. Using Informix CLI driver with IIS/ADO
Typically, when the IIS services a request for data on a Web page, many data components are involved. All processing is done on the middle tier; the end user's computer simply makes the request and receives the results. Processing the request for data consists of these steps:
The Active Server Pages (ASP) makes the call to the OLE-DB data provider.
The OLE-DB data provider services the request and performs the query on the database; or, in the case of the OLE-DB data provi</p>asp对于服务器的要求较高,一般的服务器如果访问量一大就垮了,不得不重启。 我可以结合自己的经验大致给你说一说,希望对你有所帮助,少走些弯路。 那么,ASP.Net有哪些改进呢? 我可以结合自己的经验大致给你说一说,希望对你有所帮助,少走些弯路。 弱类型造成潜在的出错可能:尽管弱数据类型的编程语言使用起来回方便一些,但相对于它所造成的出错几率是远远得不偿失的。 下面简单介绍一下我学习ASP的方法,希望对想学习ASP的朋友有所帮助... Response:从字面上讲是“响应”,因此这个是服务端向客户端发送东西的,例如Response.Write 用户端的浏览器不需要提供任何别的支持,这样大提高了用户与服务器之间的交互的速度。 最近在学asp,不要问我为什么不直接学.net,因为公司网站是asp做的所以有这个需要,卖了本书asp入门到精通,对里面的六大内置对象老是记不住,还有很多属性和方法看的头晕。 代码逻辑混乱,难于管理:由于ASP是脚本语言混合html编程,所以你很难看清代码的逻辑关系,并且随着程序的复杂性增加,使得代码的管理十分困难,甚至超出一个程序员所能达到的管理能力,从而造成出错或这样那样的问题。 代码逻辑混乱,难于管理:由于ASP是脚本语言混合html编程,所以你很难看清代码的逻辑关系,并且随着程序的复杂性增加,使得代码的管理十分困难,甚至超出一个程序员所能达到的管理能力,从而造成出错或这样那样的问题。 运用ASP可将VBscript、javascript等脚本语言嵌入到HTML中,便可快速完成网站的应用程序,无需编译,可在服务器端直接执行。容易编写,使用普通的文本编辑器编写,如记事本就可以完成。由脚本在服务器上而不是客户端运行,ASP所使用的脚本语言都在服务端上运行。 Session:这个存储跟客户端会话过程的数据,默认20分钟失效 我可以结合自己的经验大致给你说一说,希望对你有所帮助,少走些弯路。 我认为比较好的方法是找一些比较经典的例子,每个例子比较集中一种编程思想而设计的。 另外因为asp需要使用组件,所以了解一点组件的知识(ADODB也是组件) 哪些内置对象是可以跳过的,或者哪些属性和方法是用不到的? 兴趣爱好,那么你无须学编程,申请一个域名和空间,在网上下载一些免费开源的CMS系统,你不用改代码,只须熟悉它们的后台操作,像office一样简单方便,很快就能建一个站点,很多站长都是这样做的 如何学好ASP,以前也有人问过,把回答给你转过来看看能否对你有帮助: 最近在学asp,不要问我为什么不直接学.net,因为公司网站是asp做的所以有这个需要,卖了本书asp入门到精通,对里面的六大内置对象老是记不住,还有很多属性和方法看的头晕。