不帅 发表于 2015-2-4 00:18:52

PHP网页设计Tutorial for migrating data from MS ...

exit来实现结束后面的PHP语句的执行,缩小调试范围,特别是数据库交互的程序,先输出个SQL语句看看,对了,再分析怎么会插入/删除不成功呢?这样对查错很有帮助。access|mysql   Tutorial for migrating data from MS Access to MySQL

One of the main reasons I started FreeSQL.org is to open up newbie users to the wide world of enterprise-level database access. One of the most common questions I'm asked is "how do I upload my data from my Access database to my MySQL database?" This is far easier than you think and is done using an often overlooked feature of Microsoft Access. Namely, the ability to import, export, and link to non-Access data sources. For now lets just consider MySQL.
The first step is to provide the capability for your windows system to communicate with the remote MySQL server. This is done using MyODBC. If you don't have it installed already, get it from here.
Recently I had to move a database of zipcodes to my MySQL server. I will list the steps I took to migrate this data.

[*]In the windows 98 control panel (or equivalent in WinME, Windows 2000, or XP) open the ODBC Data Source Administrator. You will want to create a new System data source.

[*]Choose "Add", then select the MySQL driver. You should see the following form. Give it a meaningful DSN name, in my case I called it remoteZipCodes. The DSN is how you will identify this connection when you want to use it from another application. Fill in the rest of the necessary information correctly. One tip, MySQL is case sensistive. Make sure you get the username, password, and database case correct.

[*]Here is my source data. A single Access table containing zipcodes by city and state, along with their latitude and longitude.

[*]We want to "export" our data to the remote MySQL server. Select the table you want to export and choose "file/save as/export…" from the main Access menu, then choose "to an external file or database".
[*]The "save table" dialog box will then open and by default will try to export your table to another Access MDB. You change the format of the destination by choosing from the "save as type" combo box. In our case we want to select "ODBC Databases ()". It is probably at the very bottom of the list.

Next, this little window will open

to allow you to change the name of the table that will be created in the remote database.
[*]When you select "OK" you should then see your list of ODBC data sources. Select the DSN you created in step 2.
[*]Once you select the data source, the export begins immediately. Be patient, it may take a while, but it does work!

Try experimenting with importing and especially linking too! You will find that you can read and actually query data from Oracle, PostgreSQL (my other favorite database), Excel spreadsheets, and even text files. To link a table into an Access MDB, on the Table tab select "new" then "link"....I think you'll figure out the rest!

乐观 发表于 2015-2-4 11:29:16


谁可相欹 发表于 2015-2-9 08:51:36

最后祝愿,php会给你带来快乐的同时 你也会给他带来快乐。

精灵巫婆 发表于 2015-2-9 09:23:10

个人呢觉得,配wamp 最容易漏的一步就是忘了把$PHP$目录下的libmysql.dll拷贝到windows系统目录的system32目录下,还有重启apache。

柔情似水 发表于 2015-2-11 21:19:35

有位前辈曾经跟我说过,phper 至少要掌握200个函数 编起程序来才能顺畅点,那些不熟悉的函数记不住也要一拿手册就能找到。所以建议新手们没事就看看php的手册(至少array函数和string函数是要记牢的)。

海妖 发表于 2015-2-23 18:48:54


飘灵儿 发表于 2015-3-4 16:22:00


小女巫 发表于 2015-3-11 20:18:58


第二个灵魂 发表于 2015-3-14 22:27:10


兰色精灵 发表于 2015-3-17 07:02:18


不帅 发表于 2015-3-24 00:19:58


只想知道 发表于 2015-3-25 13:07:16


admin 发表于 2015-4-3 13:35:29


爱飞 发表于 2015-4-4 23:00:36


活着的死人 发表于 2015-4-18 18:48:56


小妖女 发表于 2015-4-24 13:51:12


小魔女 发表于 2015-5-1 02:18:19


再见西城 发表于 2015-5-1 23:09:18


飘飘悠悠 发表于 2015-6-4 02:42:06


蒙在股里 发表于 2015-6-28 13:47:25

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